Recent Uploads

Swan River daisies

The first of the Swan River daisies - and the last of the marigolds

Tomato with seeds

A tomato with the proper proportion of seeds in it


Vareniki boiled and then finished with cheese under the grill

Seedless tomato

The seeds in my tomatoes aren't developing


A rather tatty rudbeckia overwintered from last year

Gypsophila elegans

Gypsophila elegans ("baby's breath")

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Free Image Hosting

KeapR is free image sharing service. Here you can upload your photos and share them at forums, blogs, facebook and many other web sites.

Uploading your photos

Uploading images is simple. Use upload button to find image on your computer. Add title to describe your image. You can also provide description and tags to your image. If you want other people to find your photos easily provide description and tags.

Upload public or hidden

If you want other people to see your photos in KeapR Recent uploads or if you want you photos be searchable on KeapR choose Public option wben uploading photo. Otherwise choose Hidden.
NOTE: That KeapR cannot insure that people won't be able to find Hidden photos in internet.

Sharing photos with other

After image is uploaded you'll be provided with links to it. You'll be able to choose between

  • Direct link - to send by email, instant messaging, etc.

  • HTML link - to put on your website, blog, etc.

  • Code for forums - to place on most forums.

You can also go to page with your image and share it by email, digg, twitter, etc. Have fun sharing photos and don't forget to spread the word.

Upload your photos

Keapr - a place to keep images. Upload, share, enjoy.

Most Popular Pics

Airis Emiliana, Alex Tattoo hue manatee Airis Emiliana ...see more
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