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Please ID this fashion model2

Description: She is like Alexa Singer and Sandra Zatezalo but in fact she is not either of them. She is an unknown model to me. I found her photograph in USA Harpers Bazaar 1983.

Ella es como Alexa Singer y Sandra Zatezalo pero de hecho ella no es cualquiera de ellos. Ella es un modelo desconocido a mí. Encontré su fotografía en USA Harpers Bazaar 1983

Tags: Please ID this fashion model2

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Anonymous Says...

I don't know who this is, but if I post this on the Facebook fan page someone surely will. This is the link if you want to check later.

12/15/2009 11:22:00 AM

fashmagfun Says...

She is Lauren Helm.

12/15/2009 12:52:00 PM

Noto Kusumo Says...

Thank you Fashmagfun and Anonymous . Your answers gave me a relief to my curiousity. Massimo Di Finizio says the same at some other mystery models pics that I want to ask you Fashmagfun and Anynonymous. But I havent . uploaded them on keapr..

12/16/2009 5:41:00 AM

Anonymous Says...

Hello Fashmagun and anybody who knows these fashion models. Please ID at ........

12/20/2009 4:44:00 AM

noto kusumo Says...

Hello Fashmagun and anybody who knows these fashion models. Please ID at ........

12/20/2009 4:47:00 AM

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